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Snowdrops health

21 14:04:14

Hi Jenny, on checking our guinea pigs yesterday, i found one of our female guinea pigs with what appeared to be urine stain on her back and round her bottom. i brought her indoors and washed her which removed most of the staining however on checking her this morning, she has staining around her bottom again and what looks like a clear discharge from her vagina. There seems to be a small hair loss around the area which seems a little red today but otherwise she is her normal self. She is not over weight and lives in a clean hutch (cleaned daily) She did have her first litter of six three months ago which sadly were all stillborn so is due to be in season around now. Any ideas on what this could be as i have had many guinea pigs for many years and have never come across this one.
Many thanks

Hi Debbie,

Neither have I, it's a bit of a mystery! Being stained with urine is unusual unless she is an old or long-haired piggy, but vaginal discharge is a symptom of several illnesses. The best thing will be to take her to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet - it sounds like you've noticed whatever it is early. Hopefully it's nothing to worry about, but if it is, it'll be best to seek professional advice ASAP. As I'm sure you know from your past piggies, they can go downhill very quickly, so if they show signs of anything you can't treat at home, it's best to get them the help they need as early as possible.

Good luck, sorry I couldn't be of more help, and if you need anything else, just ask!
