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Guinea pig diarreah/ blood

21 13:51:26

i have a very heavily pregnant guinea pig and i have separated her from the boar and i have noticed just today that she has a diarrhea/ bloody substance discharge from her privates? she had a miscarriage about 4 months ago.
What do you think this is???

ANSWER: Hello Maddy,
I say get her to the vet a.s.a.p. as this could be and probably is an internal infection or an organ problam.

Hope this helps,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

i brought her to the vet and she said it was probably just a bit of pre- labor blood :)

Hello Mady,
I'm sorry if I got the diagnosis wrong, but I have honestly never heard of 'pre-labor blood'. I asked my friend who is a vet and she hasn't heard of that either. I still say that you should pay a little closer attention to her, but don't freak out because I am sure you saw a good vet.

Thank you for the follow up and the cutey picture!