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training my 4 guinea pigs to do tricks

21 14:17:40

hey jules i need some help on training my 4 guinea pigs to do tricks well 2 of them are about 5 months old and the other 2 are just babies. what kind of tricks can you teach a guinea pig to do? also what kind of drinks can you give a guinea pig other than water (if there is any)? also if your guinea pigs have babies do you have to take them to the vet right away?
well thaks again have a great day,

Hey Kayla,

You can teach a Guinea Pig to lay on its back in the crock of your arm, which is handy when bathing and also it looks so cute. You can teach them to dance which is a fairly easy one to teach them. There is also teaching them to come to their own names. And a few more that many Guinea Pig owners have made up and taught it to their Guinea Pigs.

Water is the only drink that is ok for them to drink, as juices have to much sugar in them.

Guinea Pigs that have babies don't need to see the vet right way. A trip to the vets can wait till the babies are about 2 to 3 weeks old, unless you notice that something is wrong.

Good Luck to you and take care,