Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > i dont know

i dont know

21 13:53:37

Okay so i went to get my guinea pig out to play with him and i noticed that he had a bulb on his neck. Its like this hard bulb. It is underneath his mouth and on his neck and  i don't know if it is serious. Please help me please

Hi alexis,
Your guinea pigs lump may be abscesses, fatty limpomas, cysts, or a tumor. Examine your guinea pig and see a vet for an evaluation.

Your vet will perform a thorough visual examination. He/she may also recommend:

    A fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)
    A wedge biopsy (more material collected, more accuracy)
    Surgical removal
    Cleaning and installation of a drain (abscess)
    Cavy-safe antibiotics (abscess)