Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Housing/life span/excercise

Housing/life span/excercise

21 14:45:03


How big should a cage be for a male?

How big should a cage be for a pair?

Does the cage need t be bigger then normal for a pregnant female?

How long do they live?

What kind of bedding is best?

Do guinea pigs get enough excercise in there cage?

How offen does the cage need to be changed?

   A male cage should have at least room for 2-4 toys, food, water, a bed and still plenty of room to move.A pair must have room for toys{they prefer PVC tunnels which you can purchase at petsmart and they need a bed and A LOT of room to move. A pregnant guinea pig actually probably needs a smaller cage because too much movement could cause damage since their bellies touch the floor!Guinea Pigs live on average 4-8 years but can live to age 12. NOT PINE BEDDING us a soft and comfortable bedding WITH NO ODOR!!!!! It is bad for their amune system!!! They do not at all get enough excercise in their cage. They need an area where they can be out of their cage everyday for at least 45 minutes {make sure there toys are with them at this time!!}The cage must be changed every 2-5 days there urine and droppings cause upper amune problems!!!!!!!!!

Katie Triggs