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Possible Illness Related Question

21 14:45:56

Hi Lois-

I am slightly concerned about one of my guniea pigs because it seems like something is going on with her.

Just a little background: Aspen Bedding, Vitamin Water everyday (Oasis Brand with Extra Vitamin C), Kaytee Vitamin C fortified Pellet Food Everday, and an always available supply of Timothy hay.  She's probably about 3-4 years old.

I recently went to clip her nails.  She had some guinea poo stuck to the bottom of her nails so I ran about an inch of warm water into the kitchen sink to that I could soak it to get the poo off.  Soaked her for a minute, got it off and cut her nails, dryed her off best we could, and after I got her back in her cage when she was breathing it sounded kinda bubbly (like a little kid breathing with snot in his nose, maybe sounds kinda like grunting in a way).   When she is lying down and sleeping it seems to be present, but when she is up and moving I can't hear the sound anymore, and then when she's eating something it seems to come back.  I can't tell if it's coming from her nose, or her lungs, but if I had to put money on it, I would probably say nose area.
She also seems to click or chatter her teeth together every once and awhile, not real loudly, but I think that she's been doing that since before this started happening.  This has been going on for approximately 3 days.  Still seems to be eating and drinking, just seems more tired than usual but I can't really tell for sure.

Concern:  Just had to take the other piggy into the vet for a different problem (bloated and not eating), and don't know if we'd have the money to see a vet or not.

If you might be able to give me an idea on what we are dealing with here, my wife and I would appreciate it greatly!

Thanks Lois!

Andy Bee

When you bathed her is was after that ou heard the sound.  What seemed to happen was she aspirated some water into her lung.  it could have happened wihtjust a drop that got down there.  She really needs a vet t hear her lungs and look into this.  I would betshe aspirated.  This condition can cause death by pnemounia.  Please let me know what happens.