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scabs on rossettes

21 14:05:05

We have two guinea pigs, they are 7 months old.  One of them has developed three small scabs on her back, in the middle of her rosettes.  She is not itching herself.  The scabs look like they are healing but their is some hair loss around them.  What is it and what can we do.

Hi Marjie,

Guinea pigs are prone to a number of skin complaints. The most common is mites - which you can treat at home - but if you haven't noticed her itching and can't see any "dandruff" in her hair, then it probably isn't those.

It could be that she has lice biting her, it could be that her friend has been hurting her, or she could have an allergy to something. The quickest and most accurate way to find out will be to book her an appointment at a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet - they can diagnose the condition and either prescribe medication or advise treatment.

Whatever they suggest, you will be able to supplement it with a herbal remedy from (they make the best ever mite treatment - called "lice and easy"). If you feel confident, you may be able to diagnose her condition yourself based on symptons listed on Peter Gurney's piggy health pages.

Hope this helps, good luck, and if you have any other questions just ask.
