Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > TWINS AND CARE?


21 14:38:44

I bought 2 female cavies yesterday from my local per store and they look identical, they are both chocolate brown and I can not tell them apart.  They are the same age, however one is just a little more fat than her sister.  Can cavies have identical twins?  I was assuming they could, but just thought I would ask.  Any suggestions on making them feel at home and warming up to us?  Thanks again!!  Hether  

Hi there!  Yes, just about any animal can deliver twins.  So it is possible but not real likely.  It's very possible that they just look alike.  One thing you can do to tell them apart is to paint one of their toe nails.  Or cut a patch of hair on one of them.  
As for getting them to warm up to you, time and patients is the key.  When you go to pick them up, be slow and gentle.  For a while they might run from you but they will get use to you and then you shouldn't have a problem.