Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Introducing Sibling!!!!

Introducing Sibling!!!!

21 14:15:28

I've had my little GP for a little over a week now and after all the research I had done I found out that she should have a friend.  I call the pet store and she still had two siblings left.  I went and got her sister tonight and brought her home and put them together and Chelsea (My first GP) is not happy at all and being very mean.  She is not letting the new GP go in the pigloo with her and fighting with her.  I do not think they are biting but they are being pretty mean.  Was this the right thing to do or did Chelsea like being by herself.

Hi Suzy

As long as there is no actual fighting (biting) then the behaviour you describe is normal. When two pigs are introduced for the first time (chelsea will probably not recognise her sister) then they go through a process where they decide which pig is boss.

Guinea pigs are pack animals so yes, you did the right thing getting chelsea a friend.

If you have any other concerns or anything else has happened since you asked the question please let me know, but you should find that things settle down over the coming days.
