Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Stillbirth


21 14:44:08

My guinea pig gave birth to 4 stillborn babies a few days ago.  She's been bleeding off and on, doesn't move very much, and doesn't want to eat.  
We started giving her a food supplement and water via syringe.  We can't afford to go to a vet, but what can we do for her?

Dear Shannon,

     This is serious. I have no clue on how I can help. I have never had this problem with my pigs after birth. You have to get her seen by a vet. If you can't you might be putting your piggies life at risk. Ask friends and family if you can borrow some money and get her to the vet. If all else fails directly e-mail me I can get you to a cavvy rescue near you so your piggie can get a free check-up!

  Good Luck&best wishes,
