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Bedding, Toys, Training

21 14:44:09

Hello, and thanks for taking the time to read and answer my questions, I have 4..
1. Can i use corncob litter in the litter box (and only the litter box)?
2. Is Kaytee Soft Sorbent, or Carefresh better for bedding?
3. What are some reccomended toys fro cavies?
4. How do I litter train my cavy?


Hello Matt

Use aspen bedding in the litter pan and in the rest of the cage or get a big bag or yesteredays news cat litter this works well also and is dust free, cardboard boxes with largew holes cut in them, brown paper bags with large holes cut in the four inch pvc pipe just be sure they wont get stuck, tolite paper tubes stuffed with hay and all rabbit/guinea pig toys in pet stores. Guinea pigs are hard ot litter train but you can put a litter pan in the corner they use most that way it will make cleaning easier.