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loss of hair and itching

21 14:46:02

Our guinea pig is 5 weeks old and has started itching and losing hair around the eyes, ear, and top of nose. She eats and drinks fine. Have you ever heard of this condition?

This is called selnick, and must be treated by a vet with injections. Selnick kills pigs, and they are in pain from this. It has sent some pigs crazy from the irritation.  She needs care now!. I am taking it she is not from a breeder. All breeders treat wiht ivermectin before tehy let a pig go to a buyer.  Tell the vet to use Ivermectin on the pig and he wil surivive.  For now you can bathe im in a t-Gel shampo for extremely dry itchy scalp, but it will not cure him,. He neds the ivermectin treatment.