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What is a pedigree pig?

21 13:46:32

I don't understand the difference between a pedigree pig and a purebred. Are they the same thing? If I cross my Aby and my Teddy can I get pedigree pigs?

The term is incorrectly used interchangeably but there is a big difference in the two. I've heard people describe a horse as a "thoroughbred" when what they were trying to say is that the horse is a "purebred." A common misunderstanding of the two.

A pedigree is simply a documentation of the family tree. That document would show that there were different breeds within that family line. It can go back as many generations as you can trace.

A purebred animal of any kind of one whose lineage is pure for only that breed. Crossing an Aby and a Teddy will not give you a purebred pig anymore than crossing a Cocker Spaniel with a Pekinese will give you a purebred dog. You can still have a pedigree on that animal, it simply tells you who and what the parents, grandparents, etc. were.

I hope that helps you understand the difference.