Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Blindness


21 14:38:53

Is there any sure way to tell if your piggie is blind? We got a little girl today and she just sits in one place and won't even move if we wave our hand in front of her face. She just sits there like she doesn't even realize it's there. Is it possible that she's blind? How could we find out?

Randi -

Well, she may be scared and using a sort of "playing possum" technique to hide from you.  What I would suggest to check from blindness is a trick I learned from my vet's assistant.  Put her on a table or something where you can get a good look at her eyes.  Flick your fingers real close to her eyes (just be VERY careful not to actually HIT her eye).  If she flinches or blinks, she's not blind - just scared.  If she doesn't, there's a good possibility that she's blind.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
