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Under the weather Guinea Pig

21 14:08:35

Nearly 3 weeks a go my Guinea Pig had blood in her urine, after a 10 day course of anti-biotics she still wasn't quite right and than got prescibed 5 days of pre-biotics finishing last Friday.  She's still not her normal chatty self, still eating & drinking though puffing herself up and sitting still when finished.
Do you think there may be something more in depth wrong with her or maybe a simple case of time?

Hi Zena,

Blood in the urine could be a sign of many different illnesses, some serious (such as kidney stones) and some not-so serious (such as a urine infection). I'm a guinea pig keeper, not a vet, but one of the other experts on here might be able to help you; the Australian lady called Laura who's a vetinary nurse.

It seems as though the vet you've taken your guinea pig to isn't sure what's wrong; I think it would be a good idea to find a specialist small animal or exotics vet, or to get in touch with the Cambridge Cavy Trust (if you're in the UK). Vedra who runs it can be reached on 07721 026401 and will be able to put you in touch with a local rodentologist.

It's a good sign that your piggy is still eating and drinking, but if she's not her normal self she's definitely feeling poorly. Give her lots of cuddles and her favourite food until you can get her to see a vet or rodentologist.

Good luck!
