Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > g.p.! that loves to jump

g.p.! that loves to jump

21 14:16:17

Hi! I have a guinea pig named Franz-Hula that has a cage with two levels on
it. I was using the second level just to give him some shelter without the
ramp because he would make a mess with his poo up there. The second level
is about a foot off the ground... he takes a running start then leaps up to the
second level... makes happy noises.. then jumps down... he keeps on
dismantling the ramp... should i be worried that he is going to hurt his hips.
He is 3 and a half months old and very hyper and loves to oink.


It's not uncommon for young Guinea pigs to jump a lot and be hyper. As he gets older he'll settle down, and stop dismantling his ramp. For now there isn't really anything to worry about with him until he is about 6 months once he reaches that age he'll be more likely to hurt his hips or even his back, you can try working with him to stop jumping or even if you can lower the second leave to half the height it is now would be easier on him and he can still jump without you worrying about him hurting himself.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,