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breeding my guinea pig

21 14:18:18

how do i know when my guinea pig is ready to breed. ALSO CAN I MAKE THEM BREED OR GET THEM to  BREED

Hello Chelsea,

Breeding your piggies is really not a good idea, particularly if they are pet store piggies. Pet store piggies may have severe genetic disorders that they will pass on to pups. Also, piggy pregnancies go wrong very often and you may loose the mom and the pups. If your piggies are good quality piggies from a reputable breeder, are under a year old, and you really wish to breed them, you need to do alot of research first so you can be prepared to care for them properly. Female Guinea Pigs have a thin white membrane that covers their vaginal openning when they are not in heat. When they are in heat it disappears. No, there is nothing at all you can do to make them breed. I'm afraid that's entirely up to them.
