Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > im scared to cut her nails

im scared to cut her nails

21 14:12:57

QUESTION: her nail are quite long and dirty but i dont know how often there ment to be cut and what with i need som advice ??? can you help

ANSWER: Hi Linda

Take a look at the link below for some great information.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: soory to bother you but i have never had a guinea pig before and have a few questions so i hope you dont mind answering this one but my piggy seems to what to hind in every small space it can find and im scared it will get its self stuck is there anything i can do ???

Hi again

Its perfectly normal for a piggy to want to hide especially if she is quite new.

The only thing you can do is to not let her free in any rooms with hidy holes in and/or block of gaps between fridges etc. In other words, piggy-proof your house!


P.S You're not bothering me, that's what I'm here for :)