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Pg guinea pig

21 14:24:10

We got a guinea pig from pet co 72 days ago after about a week we thought she was pg so we have been taking extra good care and wating it is now 72 days she seems fine except to not wanting to be picked up and is liking to eat our hair. could there be some thing else wrong?

If she is very round, and her belly is solid, which you can feel movements in, then take her to a vet as soon as possible, because females can carry babies too long. But otherwise she may just be a little overweight. Some guinea pigs do like to eat your hair, most of the time it is just them saying they want a snack, also make sure to give her lots of hay because she may want something to chew on. If she is crying in pain whenever you pick her up then you may have to worry, but if she just runs around, and then maybe squeals when she is picked up then that is nothing to worry about, a lot of guinea pigs do that because it is their predator response. Also if she has any signs of nasal or eye drainage or diarrea then she could have something else wrong with her. Let me know if you have any more questions.