Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > milkiey


21 14:18:15

my g-pig milkiey went in with my 3 male g-pigs and it was all working out fine, until they would start challenging each other (but they never fought because my oldest in there cage had know the other too since they were 3 1/2 weeks old) and he couldn't Handel it and he would start running round the cage at top speed and he was basing into the walls (of the cage), and when i grabbed him out so he didn't do any damage he was ridged!
 and kept doing this, so i took him out and put him with my girls (g-pigs) i knew he wasn't interested because he just sniffed them and cared on eating but but by the end of the week he just wouldn't stop hassling them!!!!!!
so i put him back with the boys but as so as i had put him down my poor unsuspecting hilary ( i thought he was a girl when he was born) suddenly got savaged! and know i don't know what to do with him because i have no money to buy another cage!


Hello Piggie,

Boars generally do not live well in groups larger than 2. You were very lucky with the 3 living together happily. Unfortunantly, when you added the 4th boar you stirred up their hierarchy. It's unlikely you will even be able to get the three to live together in peace again even without the 4th (there is a small chance though so hopefully it will work out). If I were you, I'd run up to Walmart and get a large Rubbermaid tub (the largest one you can is best) to serve as a temporary home until you can get a proper cage. They are relatively cheap ($6 - $10 usually) and are wonderful temporary homes. He should get a proper cage as soon as possible though because the venelation in the tub is poor, but it will work as long as it needs to. Just be sure to clean it frequantly so the ammonia doesn't build up. I also recommend watching your girls closely. A male won't bother the females until they go into heat. Your girls likely went into heat and that's what caused him to start harrassing them. If your girls and your boy are intact (not "fixed"), they may be pregnant. I do not recommend putting him with your boys again. Maybe check into getting him neutered so he can go live with the girls. Either that, or he'll need to just stay on his own. I'm sorry you and your piggies had to go through this and I hope Hilary makes a full recovery soon. Good luck!
