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my Guinea Pig oinks

21 14:08:43

Ok, I have a g.p. for almost a year now and I thought that I needed a couple of basic questions answered....HELP!!!!!
1.) my guinea pig, Buster, oinks ALOT what does it mean?
2.) How do I know what breed Buster is?
3.) I do not know what to feed Buster..what should I do?
4.) What is the best way for my g.p. to get exercise?
I'm sorry for all the questions..but I really don't know what to do!!!  

Try reading books.
Oinking is just away he talks to you or other piggies.
Males have a y shape with a dot above, females have only a y shape.
Mix food should always be available, fresh veg should be give once a day, not too much, and not apples because they cause mouth sores.
For exercise, let him run loose on a bedroom floor for 15 minutes a day.