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g pig biteing and scratching herself

21 14:25:29

Hi, my g.pig bites and scratches herself. She has sores all over her body, mostly on the front end, although she has scratched her back sides and the the hair has came out but it's growing back. On her back the skin is so dry almost like psorisis(misspelled). The vet has given her an antibiotic,which she's through taking it, and amitriptyline for the biteing and scratching. She has been tested for mites and fungus which she doesn't have. I have put toys in her cage and I keep her cage cleaned regulary. I even bought her one the balls for her to run through the house in thinking it might help her if she's bored. She had another g.pig in the cage with her but I had to seperate them because she was mean to the other one(both are girls).The vet gave her the amitriptyline think she might been selk mutulating herself. I don't know what else to do for her besides have her put to sleep.Can you please help her? Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much,

Hi Beth,

All that you have tried to do for her is fantastic.The thing i was going to suggest is to get another guinea pig. Becuase her pulling out her hair is mostly through boredom which vets will never tell you as for obvious reasons they want you to buy their expensive antibiotics some arent bothered whether its the drugs they pump into your guinea pig, kills them off. Some (deffinately not all) Vets are only in it for the money. Plus you would be better with a guinea pig she has grown up with but thats not good if she hasnt. Another thing to try is to buy a baby guinea pig and maybe yours may take it on as a mothering role. But maybe she may attack it, its hard to say. Or keep the new guinea pig you got but just keep mesh inbetween the two pigs so they just get used to eachother for about a month and then remove the mesh. With all of my little nasty'uns this has always worked when introducing a new cage mate. Whatever you do i never reccomend putting a pig to sleep unless they are in absolute pain. When being put to sleep................
*  becuase of guinea pigs extremely thick skin, their last moments are spent in extreme stress and pain dew to the lethal ingection!!!!! And why would you want to put your best friend through that after so many good times?

I hope i have helped do reply if not ,

Emma x