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my guinea pig is shy

21 14:40:13

my guinea pig is very shy he or she is one month old at the house where he was born therewas a little child and i think the little child scared him and now he or she is really scared and i cant calm it down and my second question is how do you sex a guinea pig?


Please forgive me for the time it took to respond to this email. I had been out of town and just returned now.

It is normal for young guinea pigs like yours to be extremely shy and scared for a good portion of their first times in this new world. With these cases, being very patient, kind, slow, and using a soft voice can over time help the guinea pig to calm down. Using treats such as carrots and such can also help the guinea pig to be more ready to come to you and calm down.

Here is a perfect website that shows you with words and pictures on how to sex guinea pigs.

Hope this helps~