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Ear infection

21 14:04:20


My guinea pig became ill yesterday with what appeared to be an ear infection. She was tilting her head onto one side, however she was eating and drinking normally. I took her to see the vet who suggested it was a possible mite/middle ear infection and gave her some ear drops (Canaural - for dogs and cats?!!?) after two doses of these yesterday she was walking and eating ormally, no head tilt last night at all so I assumed the drops must have done some good. When I went to check on her this morning however, she was sat hunched up in her litter pan and the head tilt is back. I gave her her morning dose of ear drops and she still doesn't appear to be feeling any better, she is only communicating a few little squeaks and she actually let me pick her up straight away which doesn't usually happen. She is even refusing a piece of cucumber (her favourite) and cannot get comfortable. Is there anything else I can do to make her more comfortable before I return to the vets for a checkup? The vet said I should see improvement within a few days, am I being premature with worry or should I return her earlier? Thank you in advance for your time.

Hi Clare
the Canaural is ok for treating ear infections in guinea pigs.
It is more than likely to be ear mites but it could also be a neurological problem which you wont know unless your vet does a more detailed examination which could be expensive.
Give the drops more time to work,as you saw some improvement.
She may be feeling out of sorts with the infection like we do when we are a bit under the weather.
Even if the infection clears up and she makes a full recovery,theres always the chance that the head tilt will remain.
As long as the infection clears up she should be ok if left with head tilt.
Wait for your next vets appointment and perhaps ask for some Baytril to work in conjunction with the ear drops if necessary.
Please get back to me if youre still worried.