Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > What kind of bedding?

What kind of bedding?

21 14:33:54

What kind of bedding should i use? I've tried woodchips to soft, cotton like bedding to just paper towels in a tin box! But I dont know which one is right for my guinea pig. Is it better to use woodchips, cotton, or paper towels?  

Hi Shannon,

There are lots of different types of bedding you can use. It would take a long time to list the pros and cons of all the safe beddings, so instead I will let you know the ones NOT to use, and then you can just opt for whatever works for you which isn't on the bad list.

Never use these beddings:

Pine (unless kiln-dried or aired out for a week before use)
Kitty litter

Newspaper on it's own isn't advised as it's not very absorbant, but hay and newspaper is ok as long as you change any really wet/soiled hay daily.

Paper towels isn't great as pigs do pee a lot, and paper towels simply don't act as a good enough absorber to handle a days worth of piggy pee!

Hope I could help.

Best Wishes,

- Laura