Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Need to know questions!!!

Need to know questions!!!

21 14:08:26

1)When I got my guinea pig She was already pregnant. I need to know if they need my help with birth or if they do it on their own.

2)Also When do they give birth? In the middle of the night or in the daytime.

3)I only want one guinea pig do you know of any places that will take the babies?

4) at what age can you tell if they are a male or a female? And how?

Thank you for your time.

Hi Ashley

1) As long as your pig is less than 9 months old she shouldnt need any help in giving birth.

2) Usually during the night.

3) Its best to avoid the shelters as these are already over-run, try to advertise locally or contact a local pet store.

