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Guinea Pig Sore

21 13:49:34


Wound on Cocoa's face
We got guinea pigs about 2 months ago. They are 2 males that are about equal in size. They have food, timothy hay and one of those edible homes with roofs.

The 2 male pigs seem to get along pretty good; however, I noticed a wound by the less dominant pig's eye. My husband thinks it is from them fighting but as they no longer seem to be fighting (we did not see the original fight if that is cause of the eye)he said leave them along.

I am worried that if it is from fighting that they will continue and as we are not home all day to watch then something worse could happen if from fighting.

Can you tell what the wound is from?

Thank you

bonded pairs still nip occasionally, your husband is proba ly right, but to be on the safe side treat the wound if it looks quite bad with cleaning alc and just if possible watch the two and make sure that they get along the two would have more than likly killed one another by now, so most probably it was just an overzealous snap.