Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Fighting Guineas

Fighting Guineas

21 14:11:10

Hi,I have two female guinea pigs. We got them both 3 weeks ago, but we had to keep them separated since one was sick with a URI. The other night we tried to have them meet each other. We were watching them, and they were on a large surface with plenty of room. But our one Guinea Pig, the one that was not sick, started chattering her teeth, and proceeded to try to bite the other one. She was unsuccessful the first couple times, and we separated them, but we put them back together one last time, and the Guinea pig bit the one that was sick, and she even yelped. They do not seem to hate each other, but I was wondering if you had any suggestions since the first day we got them we put them together and they were just fine, and now one is attacking the other... the attacks do not seem extremely violent or aggressive, but it is unusual behavior for her. Any advice you have to offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

It sounds like your guinea feels that the other guinea is invading her territory. Try letting them meet like they are just meeting for the first time. You could try spraying a little perfume on them or washing them so they don't smell different, make sure it is O.K to spray your recently sick guinea and do not spray if they have any kind of skin problem.
Best wishes