Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > how too bath my new guineas...?

how too bath my new guineas...?

21 14:22:26

I don't know how too bathe my new guinea pigs...I bought special guinea and rabbit shampoo that is used for both of them and well i don't know how too use it...also can I bathe them together or should I do it one at a time I thought of doing it in my bath tub because it is bigger but I'm not sure because we have jet's in it so I'm worried they could get there paws or even noses stuck or something I'm sorry this was so long but I really would like to know and Your answers so far have help me soo much thank you!


Hello Vicki,

I'm very sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I have been very ill the last few days. Again, I am terribly sorry for the delay. A sink or a tub is fine and if you like you can bathe them together. Be careful with the jets if you use the tub so they don't get hurt and if that's likely they should probably be bathed separately so you can hold on to them. Fill the tub (or sink, or basin) with an inch or 2 of water. Hold the piggy's front paws up so his face isn't in the water and bathe him. Shampoo and rinse thproughly. Towel dry if the weather is warm enough and blow dry him on the lowest setting if the weather is cooler. Once again, I'm sorry for the delay in answering.
