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biting guinea pig

21 14:18:56

hello, i have a guinea pig and it bites my hand.. not so hard but a soft bite.. at some point it will bite a bit hard or none at all... is there anyway that my guinea pig can stop biting my hand?  i pick it up with two hands gently.. but it likes to be pet by my hand so is all good but when it comes to picking up the guinea pig, she'll bite and I'm scared that in the future it'll bite until my hand bleed or something.. and its still a baby i spoiled her with everything that i guinea pig should want and need.  



Your guinea pig bites you cause she is still a baby. Just like all babies she is has to taste everything and everyone. This is very normal behavior, though you can get her to stop bitting by doing a little behavior training with her. I had to do behavior training with both of mine when the where babies for the bitting. The behavior training is easy to do and Guinea Pigs learn it real quick as they are such smart animals.

Every time she bits you, tap her nose very lightly and in a stern voice tell her no. I know in a lot of books they tell you not to do that because they say the Guinea Pig won't understand. I find that to be the most ridiculous thing, Guinea Pigs are smart and willing to learn something new. It is all about how the owner goes about. After tapping her nose and telling her no, go back to petting her and talking to her just the same as always. That way it is positive for her and she is learning not to bit at the same time. Only do that though when she bits you hard, if she is giving you a little nip don't worry about it, that is just her way of telling you that she either wants more attention from you or that she is just making sure it is you.

Between the training and her growing out of the baby phase the bitting will stop soon. Like I said it is normal for babies to want to test everything by bitting.

Good Luck to you, and I hope this helps.
            Take Care,