Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > What might be wrong with my pig?

What might be wrong with my pig?

21 14:47:03

I'm wondering if you might know what is wrong with my pig. Practically overnight she has become very lethargic, walks with some difficulty at times, and her appetite/water drinking have both decreased. She doesn't appear sick all the time, but she is definately not herself. Any idea what could be the problem and how serious it is? Thanks!


if your piggy isn't eatting or drinking as much as usual, she needs a vet a/s/a/p! when ever you think your piggy may be sick, take it to the vet. sounds like she may have pneumonia. is he losing any hair? if so she may have mange and that is just as fatal as pneumonia. she needs a vet.