Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > the age at which male gps sexually mature

the age at which male gps sexually mature

21 14:35:24

Why are you telling people not to separate their males until 6 weeks of age? You're probably causing a lot of moms to be backbred and sisters to become impregnated at a too early age?

The males need to be separated at 3 weeks of age. Female guinea pigs can be sexually mature as early as 4 weeks old. Males at 3 weeks. Please stop.  

Hi Susan

Thank you for your input.

Three times now I have had people sending questions telling me I am giving faulty advice and doing so in an aggressive tone. However, no-one takes it upon themselves to help me by signing up to be an expert themselves on the site.

The information I have studied tells me that guinea pigs should stay with their mother until the age of 6 weeks old, hence the advice I give. However, I will now advise along the lines of your info, if you can tell me where you got it from and who you are writing on behalf of.
