Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > oh my gosh her face!! :O

oh my gosh her face!! :O

21 13:43:29

is this serious???
is this serious???  
Hello, I have this pet Guinea pig about 2 months old and her neck, tummy, face has this kind of yellow stuff on it.  She did not have this before but since we got the bunnies, she keeps  on going mad and jumping everywhere and her fur on her neck is so yellow and wet with some sort of water?  I'm quite worried if this has anything to Do with drooling. Or is it just her drinking water. Right after she has her bath, a couple of minutes later she will be covered with yellow water again. Should I be worried????

This is obviously a baby pig, so there's no reason she should be getting a bath. Her eyes are bright and I see no evidence of discharge so I don't think this is a runny nose. If you have a water dish instead of a water bottle that may be the problem.

This baby looks to me like she's no more than about two or three weeks old. Giving her a bath is dangerous for her at her age. She looks like she should still be nursing on her mother.