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showing guinea pig

21 14:42:26

Hi, My daughter has a guinea pig in 4-H, this is her first year and we have no idea what to expect or prepare for this show. The show is Sunday (finally found out when the show was) and need any kind of help we can get. Hope you can help. Thanks a bunch!

Sheila --

I need to ask a follow-up question on this one.  Is the show a "showmanship" style or a "animal" style.  What I mean by that is ... are they going to be judging your daughter (on her guinea pig knowledge) or her animal (on how closely it fits the breed standard)?

Also, if you wouldn't mind giving me a few specifics on the breed, gender, etc -- that way I can give you grooming and prep tips, too.

If you would reply, I would be happy to help you prepare for the show -- thanks!
