Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > feeling pelvis

feeling pelvis

21 13:51:11

QUESTION: my guinea pig is almost due, last time i felt her pelvis it was about one finger tip it safe to check her again to see if she is wider or will that effect her..

thank you Nadine

ANSWER: Hello Nadine!
Simple: Yes it is safe, just be very gentle.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, do i feel at the front of her or from the behind it feels wider at the behind between her spine then it does feeling fom the front...

Hello Agian!
To determine when the birth of the young will occur is often difficult because they have a long gestation period and because the sows do not build nests. You may notice a slow widening of the pelvis, just in front of the external genitalia, developing in the week before birth. This separation increases to more than 2.5cms in the hours just before delivery.