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my guinnies are happy,but

21 14:19:14

I have 2 guinnies again,they are doing very well.I know the older one still miss his 1st pal,but his new pal is a agressive one.I want to know other then food and vit.c,what else is good to buy them to keep them happy and also should they get a play room to have playtime,I mean,is it a need,they seem bored and sleeps in the day time..Thank you again!!Friend!!

I would actually buy them a play pen so they can frolic around they really need an area to roam more freely. Do you give them timothy hay? Guinea pigs need unlimited amounts of timothy hay. Also I'd consider buying them some chew treats for guinea pigs just to help them interact, but they need to be able to play outside of their cage to get exercise. The more room they have to run around the better. :)