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limping guinea pig

21 14:18:34

My guinea pig Roberta is limping - she is curling her front left paw up into her body and is slightly dragging her back right leg.  I first noticed the limp when I realized that she wasn't being as active as usual - Roberta loves to popcorn and jump on top of her house and otherwise race around her large cage.  She seemed sullen, didn't want to eat, and wasn't squeaking for her food in the morning with the same gusto.  I checked both of her paws and while there is some roughness (maybe a spur but it's definitely not pronounced if it is) but saw no infection.  There was generally no tenderness, though she did bite me (which she's never done) the first time I touched her foot.  When I inspected her today - about four days later - she seemed OK with me handling her feet and legs.  She just wouldn't push off with either foot with the same strength as she does with the other two legs.  Since my first inspection I have been feeding her more Timothy hay, which she is gobbling up, and I put a towel in her cage to make it more comfortable (I usually use pine chips).  She has been much happier and engaged since these changes but still has a pronounced limp in both legs.  I don't know if it's so serious that I should take her to the vet.  I can't find a decent on in the Cambridge/Boston area - the one I went to didn't know much about pocket pets.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hello Margaret,

She should see a vet. The problem could be neurological or an illness of some kind. Try the vet listed here. They may be of some help to you.
