Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Death of Our Piggie

Death of Our Piggie

21 14:05:20

Hello. This morning our 2 1/2 yr. old piggie died. I found him about an hr. after his morning feeding. He shares the cage with another male(both brought into the home together). We had an appoint. at our vet due to the fact the Pig had lost weight, even tough he was eating as normal & drinking fine. He had what seemed to be a cloud over one eye, that my husband had sat with a warm rag & got the eye to clear up. His attitude was the same, just the weight lose. He was never as huge as our other male, but still okay, then he started losing weight. We give them Vit. C. in the water. Lots of fruits & Vegs. Timmy Hay & food twice a day. Any ideas what may of occured with our sick pig? Thank you.

Hi Victoria

I am sorry to hear your news.

Its always very difficult to say what causes a death in a small animal but based on the fact he was eating and still losing weight I tend to think the problem was in the digestive system. I had a pig, barney who was eating but then regurgatating his food causing weight loss and your pig might have been suffering with the same sort of thing.
