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Sick Guinea Pig... =[

21 14:35:03

Hey Annie.. Im afraid of something might have happened to my guinea pig. Shes a female and recently have not been eating the regular amount of food she used to nor does she drinkas much. her diet change n she can barely finish them. i find that shes much mroe quiet.I was wondering if its possible that a death of another guinea pig may have impact her? recently we had another guinea pig that died..I don't knwo what to do and im scared..

Hi Justine,

I'm sorry to hear about your recent loss.  Yes, guinea pigs are very sensitive to the loss of a cage mate.  They can become depressed and not eat or drink as much.  There are a couple of things that can help.

You should pay extra attention to her to see her through this.  She is sensitive to your mood too, so make play time a happy time for both of you.

She's probably not getting as much exercise as she was with her friend in the cage with her.  This can decrease the amount of food and water she needs.  Give her some extra veggies in small amounts (she can get diarrhea if you introduce new things too quickly).  The extra veggies will give her a little extra vitamin C and water to help her over the hump.

You could get another guinea pig (see if you can find a breeder in your area for a good healthy piggie).  Getting another piggie will give her the company she misses.  It is always a good idea to isolate a new animal for about 2 weeks (keep it separate from your existing piggie) in case it has an illness that can't be seen at the time of purchase.

You don't say if your other piggie died of something contagious.  If she did you need to take this one to a veterinarian who treats guinea pigs.

Always give your piggies plenty of love and attention.  Play time is important to guinea pigs.  In the wild guinea pigs live in colonies and are extremely social animals.  They need this socialization at home too.
