Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > adam my piggy

adam my piggy

21 14:16:04

i just got a guinea pig and he is sneezing, has crusties on his eyes and is not very active. what do you suggest i do? also how could i entertain him?


It sounds like Adam has URI (Upper Repertory Infection.), you'll need to get Adam to the vet for antibiotics ASAP. With out the medicine he won't survive I am afraid so he need to see the vet ASAP.

You can keep him entertain by placing some toys in his cage and let him run on the floor for about an hour in a blocked off place so you can get him again no problem. Place some toys down with him so he has something to play with. That'll keep him entertained and happy.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,