Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My gp is biting her cage and igloo.

My gp is biting her cage and igloo.

21 14:07:51

I have had my gp Lilly since before Christmas and lately she has started to gnaw her cage and igloo.  I brought in a couple of twigs as well as a chew toy from the pet store but she is still gnawing the hard wire and plastic.  I taker her out almost every day.  Is she lonely and bored? What should I do until I get her a friend?

Hi Sandra

Piggies do tend to chew things they shouldnt, mine are the same.

You are right to consider getting her a friend as boredom/lonliness is likely to be the issue.

In the meantime, ensure you provide lots of hay as this will help wear the teeth down naturally and of course keep entertaining her yourself.
