Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Is my skinny pig going blind?

Is my skinny pig going blind?

21 14:33:57


I have a hairless guinea pig. I noticed his one eye is turning blue in colour. There's also some goopyness in there. He just got started on a 10 day medicine for an inner-ear problem he has. I don't know if this is a reaction to his inner-ear problem (he can barely walk he's always so dizzy, looks drunk, falls over, walks lopsided) or if he's going blind in his eye. The eye is opposite the his ear with the problem.

I was thinking about taking him to the vet after the meds are finished, maybe even like 5 days after that way it gets out of his system and i would know forsure if it's his meds.

what do you thinks? are there signs for blindness?

Hi Marina,

I think you really need to contact your vet. If this has only been since he started on the medication, it is important that your vet knows. It may be a reaction to the medication or it may be the start of some kind of eye problem.

Blindness is guinea pigs is usually distinguished by clouding of the eye, by uncharacteristically bumping into things, and by the reflection of white light rather than red when a bright light is shone directly at the eye. Don't worry if your piggy has one or all of these symptoms; it may simply be an eye infection, allergy or a foreign object irritating the eye.

But it is important that you ring up your vet and tell him your skinny pigs new symptoms. If he didn't mention this as a side effect of the medication or the ear infection, then I would imagine it may not be  related to these and certainly requires further attention.

Best Wishes,

- Laura