Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guinea pig wheeking sound is funny suddenly

Guinea pig wheeking sound is funny suddenly

21 14:13:17


I just went in to check my guinea pig and instead of wheeking, its wheek
came out very differently, almost like a honk/like a squeeze toy that isn't
working properly. I began crinkling bags, and he did it again. He's breathing,
and running around actively, and a half hour ago he was making normal
wheeking noises. Could he have something stuck in his throat? Or does this
occasionally happen? He's otherwise very healthy, about 1 1/2 years old.


He could have had something stuck in his throat and had cleared it by himself. Sometimes Guinea Pigs as they get older start to change their wheeking, like when we hit puberty and our voices change, well sometimes and not in all Guinea Pig will this happen.

If he keeps making the noise and your really worried about it then take him to see the vet for yours and his sake, cause he knows and can get stressed out if your overly worried and stressed out yourself. So to ease both of you take him to the vet.

I hope this helps,
  take care,