Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My Guinea Pig doesnt want to walk..

My Guinea Pig doesnt want to walk..

21 14:08:07

I bought a girl Guinea Pig at a pet shop last sunday (1st March), she's like 15 cm long, I don't know her age or her weight! First days, I had to hand feed her and teach her also to drink, she doesn't move a lot, only small steps, she seems to being eating well now and drinking too by herself but normally she waits until I wake up or get home to do it! I tried to release herself in the ground for a few times and even on her cage she just don't walk. I go away and she's at the same position. She poops and pies well but she stays with this down her, because she doesn't move. I clean her and the cage too.. She's happy when i start giving her treats and lies down like she is enjoying and she does this long sound of happiness very often, specially she eats more when I'm arround and giving her treats!! I saw her moving her front legs and back legs and she reacts to light too! I think she needs more attencion and time to adapt herself to her new life because I think for the size she is she ain't a baby anymore and she never had such a space and such more quit place like she has now! She is all the time with her cage open and she doesn't want to get out or even try.. On she is on the ground she doesn't run away to a hole (under the bed or somewhere).. What do you think? She is improving every day but I'm still worried about her a lot, because I wanted really seeing her feeling more free, confident and happy!! Please say if she's well and this only a adaptation period!! I wanted so much to take all this animals from this petshops..
Thank you very much,
My best Regards..

Hi Ricardo

I think you are right. Your new friend does need a few weeks to get used to such a new and loving home.

Keep spending time with her and doing what you are doing and I'm sure she will settle down in time. However, if anything else develops that worries you please let me know.
