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Piggy with bumble foot

21 14:42:43

My piggy Snowball has bumble foot he has been to the vet. I would like to find out all I can on treating bumble foot in guinea pigs.

Bunnyness --

The easiest way to treat bumblefoot is prevention, prevention, prevention.  Bumblefoot usually happens because of some sort of sharp object piercing the foot -- the foot gets infected and presto -- bumblefoot.  Inspect Snowball's cage for anything sharp, such as pieces of metal or pointed wood chips.  Now, as he recovers, it would be best to use a soft bedding product, such as "Yesterday's News", which is a paper-based product and has no sharp edges (although it does have to be cleaned more often.)  Also, keeping the foot clean and treating it with an antibiotic ointment (I'm sure your vet prescribed one) will go a long ways toward bringing Snowball back to full health.

Hope this information is helpful.  Good luck!
