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Bumble Foot in guinea pigs

21 14:42:43

I have a guinea pig that has Bumble foot I would like to know more about bumble foot and how to treat it.
Thanks bunnyness


I have had no experience yet with my piggies getting bumblefoot. From what i have read, there are many different options depending on how severe the bumblefoot is. It's a pretty serious disease and can go deep into the foot pad, sometimes even into the bone. My suggestion would be to go to an exotics vet that is experienced in guinea pig diseases, have her look at the foot and to decide the best measure that should be taken. I would love to tell you one thing to do that would be simple, but's it's not always like that. I don't know the severity of the foot, and don't have much experience in it. I just know some textbook things.

If you'd like, check out this site:
and click on bumblefoot to hear the different options just so you are familiar with what steps could be taken.
My advice like i said is to take your pig into a vet.

Hope this helps.
Christy :)