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Paralysed gp

21 14:42:42

A week ago my 12wk gp went lame on 1 of her back legs(a visit to the vets was inconclusive)She is now dragging both back legs and passing blood in her urine, The vet has said that she must have had a trauma to her back and the best thing to put her sleep, I cannot give up on her yet as she is eating well and appears in no pain, have you any suggestions as i am now desperate. thanks

Hello Debbie and thanks for the question,

I am sorry to hear of your situation. Good luck to you and your pet no matter what happens. This is the second question about paralysis in the aft legs of a GP within two weeks that I have fielded.

No matter what, a pet would rather be alive than dead. The legs do not really concern me as much as the blood does. Watch that carefully. If you intend (as I would as well) to let your GP live, you will have to take extra special care of him now and always. He may be able to get on quite well on his fore legs but keep watch that he can get his food and water without too much trouble. Ask your vet if there is any reason why the GP cannot live a long, healthy, life. Listen to his advice. The GP may have to have his legs amputated. If the legs go necrotic or an infection sets in, it is best to put the GP down. Truly.

If the blood in the urine clears up and the GP looks ok and acts ok, ask the vet for a good "general purpose" GP safe (no pennicilyn!!!) antibiotic to fight off infection and internal damage.

What CAUSED the harm to the GP? Do you have children that might have been too rough? Another pet? Make sure you find the cause and rectify it before the GP has another incident.

Thanks and god speed to you,
PS: If you find this info useful, please rate me.
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