Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > MY GUINEA PIGS POSSIBLE CONSTIPATION


21 13:45:59

I have a 2 year old guinea pig named Seanut who seems to be constipated,the reason I think this is because his droppings have been very large & they get stuck in his bowel,so much so that I have to gently squeeze them out for him. Seanut's diet consists of apple bits,tomato bits,lettuce,some pellets & timothy hay. I have a friend who thinks it's Seanut's diet that is the problem & that Seanut should be given nothing but water for a day. I don't think that is a good idea at all. I was wondering what you think I should do.

Brown Sugar (a skinny pig)
Brown Sugar (a skinny  
Has your piggie been getting enough water?  Also, don't cut up the food.  Guinea pigs need to chew to keep their teeth from getting too big.  Also, I would not feed iceberg lettuce as it has little nutritional value.  I would not follow your friends idea, change is stressful and that could make matters worse.  You may want to take him to the vet to determine if there is a blockage or twist in his intestine.  That is up to you as exotic vets are very expensive.  Good Luck, Cindy