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Hi! My guinea pig has just...

21 14:43:44

Hi! My guinea pig has just had 4 babies, all of which seem
healthy and well. Although the mother seems well and is
eating and drinking well she has got sore-looking bald
patches on her rear end and I wondered whether she could
have an infection. I'll probably bring her and the babies to
the vet for a check up anyway but I wondered whether you
would have any advice? Thanks for your time!


Hello Susannah and thanks for the question.

I am opt to think that the "bald spot" most likely came from your sow pulling/scratching at the fur near her rear due to birthing the pups. She may have a skin irritation or an infection. Seeing your vet is the proper course of action since he/she may need to give an antibiotic to stop infection.

Abcesses and skin issues are common after birthing young.

Good luck and thanks,
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