Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Worried SICK.

Worried SICK.

21 14:05:04

QUESTION: Yeah.. I just Got My Guinea Pig.. Couple Days ago I believe, and She's Either 2 Weeks.. Or 2 Months. ( I think it's the Second. ) And When It's time for her to Sleep. She just Stands, With her Eyes open. And When I wake up, That's what She's Doing.. I'm worried that She isn't getting sleep. What can I do to Help her Sleep?

ANSWER: Supposedly, guinea pigs don't close their eyes to sleep for more than ten minutes at a time. In the wild, they have to be constantly alert to run from predators. So they don't have a big sleep at night, they nap throughout the day. My guinea pigs are never asleep when I get up in the morning or even in the middle of the night, but I have noticed them napping a couple of hours after they have their breakfast. So don't worry if you don't see her sleeping, she's just being sneaky! If she's eating and drinking normally, and seems healthy, then she's probably perfectly normal. The only time I've ever seen a guinea pig fast asleep was a very old boar I had - like old people, he used to sleep a lot.

Hope this helps and if you have any other questions, just ask.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Vanilla, who is Two Weeks old, Is worrying me. Since two days ago, she began breathing heavy, making these scratchy squeaks every time she breathes, and her whole body pulsates when she does. Then every now and then, she stretches her mouth wide, making a wet sound.. Like when you open your mouth kinda sound. I moved her from the cage with the bedding, because We ran out of bedding and her pellets were molding, and I put her on a soft towel, with the wire caging around her. I give her Hay and Food and water, And She seems to Eat Well, Just not so much on the drinking part. I'm hoping that she didn't consume any of the molding, and she's my first female Guinea Pig and so I don't know if This is normal.. Is there anything I can do to help her?

Ni Nichole,

When you wrote before you said she was two months old, but were unsure. If she's really only two weeks old then her lethargy and breathing problems will be because she should still be with her mother, drinking milk. She will not yet be properly weaned and won't have learned how to take care of herself. Where did you get her from?! If she is really this young (and very small!) you need to supplement her diet with kitten formula - a vet will advise. Guinea pigs should not be sold until they are six weeks old.

Additionally, it's very important that you clean your guinea pigs out regularly - every 4 or 5 days, depending on the size of the cage - so it's best to make sure you're always overstocked with dust-extracted woodshavings, newspapers (to line the bottom of the cage)and hay. A dirty cage can cause all sorts of problems, including respiratory difficulties which it sounds as though Vanilla could have.

Don't worry about her not drinking much - if you're feeding her watery veegtables like cucumber then she will not need to drink a lot of water. She will need fresh vegetables (preferably those that are high in vitmain c), a guinea pig dried mix and hay everyday.

I strongly suggest you take her to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet as soon as possible, as her symptons are a sign that she is in ill health. He or she will be able to confirm whether she has a genetic respiratory problem or an allergy to the bedding you were using (or to the mould from breathing in or eating her old pelllets). And they will be able to treat Vanilla as they see fit.

Hope this helps, good luck and if you have any other questions - just ask.